(985) 493-8757
(985) 446-7235
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 5418151 Peltier Park Dr.
Thibodaux LA, 70302

The City of Thibodaux’s Hometown Heroes Banner Program serves as a living tribute for the community to honor and recognize our past and present members of the Armed Forces.
Please click on the link below to download the application for the Hometown Heroes Banner Program. Alternatively, you can right-click on the link and select 'Save As' for viewing later.
Hometown Heroes Banner Guidelines & Application.
Adobe Acrobat Reader or compatible PDF viewer required.

Application Requirements
In order to be considered for a banner, the nominee must meet the following requirements:
- Nominee must have lived within Thibodaux’s 70301 zip code area at some point in their lifetime or the nominator must currently reside within Thibodaux’s 70301 zip code area.
- Served in one of the following branches: Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, National Guard, Coast Guard.
- Meet one of the following criteria: currently serving, honorably discharged Veteran, or died in the line of duty. Military verification is required.
Banner Design, Time Frame & Location
Memorial Day through July 4th and the week of Veterans Day of the current year.
Banners are 30”x 60”, double sided, vinyl material and include service person’s name, rank, branch of service, and photograph. Era of service is optional. Up to three lines allowed on each banner.
Banners will be displayed on poles along Canal Boulevard.
Banner locations will be selected randomly, and specific display locations cannot be requested.
Banner Pricing
There is a $125 fee for each new banner application submitted. The fee covers the production of the banner, installation, and removal.
There is a $50 fee to have a banner displayed for a second year. Names will be put on a waiting list if spots are available after all new applications are submitted by deadline. Banners will need to be is intact, great condition and approved by office personnel. The fee includes the installation and removal of banner.
Banners will be given to the family as a keepsake after the current year display. After the display period, any banners not collected within a 3-month period becomes property of the City of Thibodaux.
Additional Information
There is a limited number of available spots for the program and application request is on a first come basis.
On the application, please print name legibly or type as it should appear on the banner. Lettering will be sized to fit.
Secure a photograph for the banner to be turned in with application. It can be emailed or dropped off in person at the Parks & Recreation Department located at 151 Peltier Park Drive, Thibodaux, LA .
All checks are to be made payable to City of Thibodaux and reference “Hometown Heroes” on the check. Cash and credit card payments are also accepted forms of payment.
Banner proofs will be provided by email or can be viewed in person. An approval signature must accompany proof before the order is processed.
Applications not processed for the current year will be put on a list for the next years Banner Program.
The City of Thibodaux is not responsible for replacing banners that are stolen, damaged or destroyed due to age, vandalism or any acts of nature.
Contact & Questions
For questions or more information on the Hometown Heroes Banner Program, please call Cristin Aizen, Parks & Recreation Secretary at (985) 493-8757 or email at