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(985) 446-7606
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(985) 493-8756
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P.0. Box 5418310 W. 2nd St
Thibodaux LA, 70301

Press Releases and Newsletters
City of Thibodaux COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update
Post Date | Updated At |
Monday, Jul. 13th at 8:58 AM | Monday, Jul. 13th at 9:01 AM |
Phone: 446-7606
Attachment: COVID-19 Louisiana Declaration JBE-2020-89
On Saturday, July 11, 2020, Governor John Bel Edwards issued a supplement (JBE-2020-89) to the standing emergency declaration (JBE-2020-83). Both declarations are in effect until July 24, 2020. Here is a summary of the specific information contained in JBE-2020-89:
“Every individual in Louisiana shall wear a face covering over the nose and mouth when inside a commercial establishment or any other building or space open to the public, whether indoor or outdoor.” No bar is allowed to open for inside consumption. Curbside or drive-thru services are allowed. Crowd size is limited to 50 people indoors and 50 people outdoors where social distancing is not feasible. Essential businesses are exempt from this requirement and will utilize 50% of State Fire Marshal capacities as dictated in the JBE-2020-83 declaration."
Based on this declaration, members of the public must wear a mask inside of City buildings.
View MoreCity Council Meeting Notice
Post Date | Updated At |
Wednesday, Jul. 01st at 1:28 PM | Wednesday, Jul. 01st at 1:31 PM |
Phone: 446-7606
On July 7, 2020, the City of Thibodaux City Council will hold their meeting in the City Council Chambers promptly at 5 PM. The following policy will be used for all meetings that are being conducted in City Council Chambers for the duration of the Governor’s latest emergency declaration:
Governor John Bel Edwards issued this emergency declaration effective June 25, 2020, through July 24, 2020, which establishes a maximum capacity of 50% of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal occupancy limits for all businesses and organizations. Council Chambers has an occupancy limit established at 60 people; therefore, for the duration of this emergency declaration, the maximum capacity for Council Chambers shall be 30 people. Individuals that have placed items on the agenda for any City Council or Board meeting scheduled in Council Chambers will be allowed first access to the meeting. All other individuals will be allowed on a first come first served basis until the maximum capacity is reached. An Administrative Liaison will be monitoring the entry to all meetings, and will also be available to accommodate the entrance of individuals that are required to wait outside until such time that entry is allowed once full capacity is reached. All hallways and lobbies shall remain clear at all times.
_/s/Jennifer Morvant__________
Jennifer Morvant, Council Adm.
View MoreCity Offices to Close in Observance of Independence Day
Post Date | Updated At |
Tuesday, Jun. 30th at 3:50 PM | Tuesday, Jun. 30th at 3:52 PM |
Phone: 446-7606
In observance of Independence Day, City of Thibodaux offices will close on Friday, July 3, 2020. The Warren J. Harang Jr. Municipal Auditorium will also be closed to walkers on the aforementioned day. Trash collection schedule will not be interrupted. Normal operating hours will resume on Monday, July 6, 2020.
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