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(985) 446-7606
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(985) 493-8756
Postal Address:
P.0. Box 5418310 W. 2nd St
Thibodaux LA, 70301
Press Releases and Newsletters
City of Thibodaux - Storm Debris and Garbage Pickup
Post Date | Updated At |
Monday, Sep. 13th at 3:57 PM | Monday, Sep. 13th at 3:58 PM |
Phone: 446-7606
Storm Debris is being pickup around The City of Thibodaux. Avoid
placing storm debris under overhead obstructions such as utility lines, trees,
and streetlights. Debris should be separated into the following three separate
piles to improve the debris removal efficiency.
1) Construction Materials/C&D (roofing, sheetrock, wood with
nails, screws, brackets, etc.
2) Vegetation/Trees (tree limbs, branches, shrubs, bare lumber,
leaves). Avoid the usage of plastic trash bags.
3) White Goods/Appliances (refrigerators, freezers, AC units,
dishwashers, etc.)
Residents are asked to NOT place green waste
(vegetation/leaves/trees) in bags because the debris clean-up crews will not
pick it up if they don’t know what it is.
Regularly scheduled trash pickup has resumed in accessible areas.
This is the blue Pelican waste bin and should NOT include storm debris.