contact us
Main Line:
(985) 446-7606
Fax Line:
(985) 493-8756
Postal Address:
P.0. Box 5418310 W. 2nd St
Thibodaux LA, 70301

Press Releases and Newsletters
Historic District Meeting Notice
Post Date | Updated At |
Monday, May. 18th at 3:53 PM | Monday, May. 18th at 3:53 PM |
Phone: 446-7606
The City of Thibodaux Historic District Meeting will be conducting their regular meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. via the Zoom app, and the public is invited to join. The link below can be used to enter the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Ruby Maggio at 985-446-7208.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 1331 1501
Password: 645617
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Meeting ID: 834 1331 1501
Password: 645617
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